
Tuesday 9 February 2010

Morning Routine

Maximus has had a pretty normal day today. He likes routine and prefers to start his day as follows:

5.30am (6-6.30 at weekends) gets woken up and let out the garden for a quick widdle - note that one only bothers going out if really bursting and it's not A) windy B) wet and C) <10 degrees celsius. A few stretches and noisy yawns by (child)-gate waiting for it to be opened. Sometimes this takes ages as kettles and coffee makers need filling up. Once finally opened, one has to zoom up the stairs as fast as one possibly can (otherwise something might happen??). Still very tired and barely awake, a little wobbly on the feet and guaranteed to fall over at least once in the process.

Once at the top of the house, a final jump to get into bed, diving straight under the duvet. "Caving it" we call it. Caving it in between dads legs for as long as allowed. (Well, if "they" get up, one stays. If "they" stay, one gets up and proceeds to drag anything one can get hold off, under the bed and begins to destroy. This is the difference between weekdays and weekends!)

On a weekday, like today, then one is guaranteed to get disturbed. Duvet comes off and one gets picked up and carried (!) down the stairs. Most of the time it is not such bad news as Dad works from home meaning snoodles will continue on the sofa for at least another hour.

This is the best start to the day and today was one of those!

Monday 8 February 2010

Nothing's safe!

Ok so most things on the agenda have been postponed. Such as haircut and postoffice. That is OK, however, we've also had to postpone the walks to the park which is not so good. We were really looking forward to some quality time today, meeting lots of other dogs (and nicking their balls!) and have a good run around. But it's raining. And it's cold. And even with a coat on, one refuses to step outside, until the bladder is absolutely bursting......quick widdle in the garden and back inside and onto the sofa, where it's dry and cosy.
Another not so good thing about not going to the park is that one has a lot of energy to get rid of, indoors!
Was sat in the office and through the corner of my eye saw a little dog running past with something rather large and purple in his mouth. Found culprit under the bed with an umbrella. I thought it was safely zipped away in my work rucksack. Clearly not safe. Item added to agenda: Buy new umbrella!

First Blog

First Blog. Monday morning, day off work to spend with Maximus - his dad needs to go to London. Have a full agenda with things that didn't get done at the weekend. Belated christmas presents (!) need to be taken to postoffice, housework (lots), haircut, walks to the park with Max, make soup, go to M&S and now there is this.....the blog!
Anyway, this blog should be more about Maximus than Me. He's a lively little chap so we should have lots to write about and great pics to this space x